
首頁 > Qualification
我們的專業團隊致力為 客戶提供不同範疇的專業服務,專業團隊及專業資格包括(見下表):

Our professional team with technical backgroud provide vararity of services.

Our team's qualification included:

1) 總工程師及資深建築測量師及驗樓師

Chief Engineer/ Senior Building Surveyor 

梁嘉駿先生   Mr. LEUNG KA CHUN

MRICS, MCIOB, C.Build E, MCABE, MSc (Building surveying) , BSc (Hons)

- 特許建築測量師 

-Chartered Building Surveyors (MRICS)


 -Chartered Builder (MCIOB)


 -Chartered Building Engineer (MCABE)


 -Senior Clerk of Works


 -Master of Building Surveying of University of College of Estate Management


 - Bachelor degree of Engineering (BSc (Hons))


 -Member of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors


 -Member of Chartered Institute of Building


 -Member of Chartered Association of Building Engineers


2) 資深測量師及總工程師 

 Senior Building Surveyor/ Chief Engineer

馮先生 Mr. Fung 

RPS, MHKIS, MRICS, BSc (Hons) in Surveying


-BSc (Hons) in Surveying


-Registered Professional Surveyor (RPS)


-Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (MHKIS)



-Member of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS)

3. 資深工程師 Senior Engineer

李先生 Mr.  Li 

BEng (Hons), MSc, MHKIE, RPE(Civil)


-BEng (Hons) in Civil and Structural Engineering


-MSc (Hons) in Civil Engineering


-Registered Professional Engineer (Civil)



-Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (MHKIE)



香港政府認可人士 Authorized Person AP
香港政府註冊檢驗人員 Registered Inspector RI
香港政府合資格人士 Qualified person QP
註冊測量師 Registered Building Surveyor RBS
註冊工程師 Registered Professional Engineer RPE
註冊結構工程師 Registered Structural Engineer RSE
註冊岩土工程師 Registered Geotechnical Engineer RGE
紅外線記錄簽署人 Infra-red Scanning Record Signatory IR-AS
小型工程承建商資格I, II & III Qualification of Minor work class I, II & III MW I, II & III
香港專業驗樓師 Professional Building Inspection HKBI



  • Contact Tel:3489 9268
  • Contact Tel:5423 3828/ 6518 3092 (Enquiry or appointment)
  • Whatsapp:5423 3828 (Enquiry or appointment)
  • Fax:3016 8638
  • Address:Unit 1304, Celebrity Commercial Centre, NO. 64 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon